Posted March 1st, 2024
node.js is a server that runs javascript on the server
1. bun is a replacement for node.js 2. generally nodejs is installed via yum, dnf, or whatever package manager you have 3. node.js is javascript engine that runs javascript on the server side 4. To setup a project npm init 5. install express server npm install express --save see 6. Here is "Hello World!" using an express server See const express = require('express') const app = express() const port = 3000 ## ## App get sets a route for / app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello World!') }) app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`) }) 7. BUT - really nobody uses the simple version... we use express-generator # install express-generator >npm install -g express-generator # run install >express This generates a structure in the current directory including: routes views bin public node_modules a) public is for static html files b) routes defines how to route urls c) bin bin/www is what starts the server 8. nodemon - sets up node so that it will reread files upon change. > npm install --save-dev nodemon 9. Fetching data from the database. a) create an object that fetches data ( file con.js) var mysql = require('mysql2'); var con = mysql.createConnection({ host:'localhost', user: 'xxxxxuser', password:'yyyypass', database:'foodb' }); con.connect(function(err) { if (err) throw err; }); async function sqlquery(sql) { const results = await con.promise().query(sql); // returns a list of [data,meta] return results[0]; } module.exports = { sqlquery } b) from routes/index.js var con = require("../services/con"); router.get('/fubar', async function(req,res,next) { let sql = 'show tables'; res.json(await con.sqlquery(sql)); }); c) await can only be used from an aync function the function being called needs to be async and we do an await on a promise from con.query... the results returned are a list of elements, data, and meta data This appears complex. basically the mysql query is run in the background unless we force nodejs to wait for the results |