Posted March 25th, 2024
perl is an old school language.
1. mod_perl
2. variables 3. comparators: # Numerical operators: <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, <=>, +, * # String operators: lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, cmp, ., x 4.
5. if, elsif,else $foo = 10 if ($blah == 4); 6. ?:
8. keys %hash - to get keys of hash 9. next, last can be used in loops.. equivalent to continue, and break 10. pop, push, shift, unshift splice join grep 11. my $rc = system "perl", ""; $rc >>= 8; print "Status Code:".$c."\n"; my @lines = `perl`; exit 37; 12. files my $filename= "text.txt"; my $result = open my $handle, "<", $filename; if (!$result) { die "Failed to open ".$filename." because, $!; } open (my $handle, "<", $filename) || die "failed ".$!."\n"; 13. while (!eof $handle) { my $line = readline $fh; } 14. while (my $line = readline $handle) { } while (my $line = <$handle>) { } while (<$handle>) { print $_; } 15. -e -d -f 16. regex if ( $hello =~ m/(\w+)\s+(\w)/) echo $1." ".$2; replace $foo =~ s/blah/foo/g; // g is global 17. modules. 1) must return 1 in .pl file 2) require "Demo::module_name"; (comes from subdir Demo/ 3) PERL5LIBS=blah |