Posted February 22nd, 2024
Python is a popular language used for web development
1. build python ./configure make make install 2. install gunicorn pip3 install gunicorn 3. in apache enable proxy modules LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/ 4. add ProxyPass entry in vhost ProxyPass "/pybase/" "" 5. configure gunicorn.service file in /usr/lib/systemd/system/gunicorn.service ===== Start gunicorn.service File ====== [Unit] Description=The Apache HTTP Server [Service] MAINPID = /run/cmdb/ WorkingDirectory = /m/member/pybase ExecStartPre = /bin/mkdir /run/cmdb ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gunicorn --workers=4 myapp:app --chdir="/m/member/pybase" --pid /run/cmdb/ ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID ExecStop=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID ExecStopPost = /bin/rm -rf /run/cmdb PrivateTmp=true [Install] ===== End gunicorn.service File ====== A) definition of a function def funcname(arg1,arg2): B) spacing matters - indentation defines block C) definition of if statement if (a == 1): a += 1; D) for statement for (x in environ): data += x+environ[x]; E) Templates Jinja2 is the most prevalent template engine sample code to load from file: import jinja2 def display_template(): templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="./templates") templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) templateFile = "template.html" template = templateEnv.get_template(templateFile) return template.render(); F) getting data from the database - basic level method (cursor) --------------------------------- import mysql.connector def get_data(sql): cnx = mysql.connector.connect( user='membermaster', password='XXXXX', host='', database='mainmemberdb') data = "<table>\n" if cnx and cnx.is_connected(): with cnx.cursor() as cursor: result = cursor.execute(sql) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: data += "<tr>\n" for col in row: data += " <td>"+col+"</td>\n" data += "</tr>\n" data += "</table>\n\n" cnx.close() return data ---- end code -------- -More sophisticated is to use pandas to load the data to a grid pandas can output the data in a number of formats pandas is a library that allows data to be loaded into a grid that can then be displayed. -------------------------------------------------------------- def get_table(sql): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect( user='membermaster', password='XXXXX', host='', database='mainmemberdb') results = pd.read_sql(sql,cnx) cnx.close() # html table has systables as a css class systables in addition to # dataframe... e.g. <table class='dataframes systables'> return results.to_html( classes= "systables") except Exception as e: cnx.close() return str(e) ---- end code ----- G) Get an argument from command line import sys def main(): if (len(sys.argv)>=2: print("ARG 1:",sys.argv[1]); if __name__ == '__main__': main() H) repeat string... * syntax print("foo"*3); >>foofoofoo I) From the command line - help(keyword) help(len) J)To convert numbers to strings mystring = str(10); K) numbers: 1. no ++ - can't do a++ 2. integer division is two // e.g. 2.4 // 2 = 1 L) raw strings raw= r'this\t\n and that' multi= """ hello world """ M) slices s="hello"; something = s[1:4] >>> 'ell' s[-1] >> 'o' N) strings [f strings] value = 2.791514 print(f'approximate value = {value:.2f}') O) if statements if a==b: print("a equals b") elif c==d print("c equals d") else print("magic") P) and/or ( there is no && or || ) if a and b: print(true) if a or b print(false) Q) for/in for key in list: iterate here if "moe" in list: do if moe is in list R) dict mydict = {key1:value1,key2:value2} mydict = {} usage: myvar = mydict[key1]; mykeys = mydict.keys(); myvalues = mydict.values(); myitems = mydict.items(); // tuple for k,v in myitems : print (k,"=",v) s = : %(word)s %mydict del mydict[0]; del mydict[-2:0] S) files #open file f = fopen("filaneme.txt", "rt", encoding='utf-8') for line in f: print (line, end='') f.close(); T) regular expressions import re mystr = " hello 123 456"; mymatch =, '\d+'); mymatch = re.findall(mystr, "\d+"); mymatch = re.sub(mystr, "123", "\d+"); U) major important libraries os lib: os.listdir(dir), os.path.join(dir,filename), os.path.abspath(filename), os.path.dirname(filename) os.path.basename(filename), os.path.exists(filename), os.mkdir(path), os.mkdirs(path1) shutil lib: shutil.copy(source,target) subprocess: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) - subprocess.popen urilib lib: ufile = urllib.request.urlopen(url); text = info = baseurl = ufile.geturl() urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename) urllib.parse.urljoin(baseurl, url) from urllib.request import urlopen uriparse lib: |