Posted March 22nd, 2024
Laraval is a popular framework for php
1a. laravel required sqlite.
> dnf install sqlite-devel 1b. To create a laravel project > composer create-project laravel/laravel:^11.0 project-name 2. So laravel when developing is generally done by running a local web server, which listens on port 8000. From your project directory > php artisan serve Now point your browser at http://localhost:8000 3. in the app: config directory - has configuration files. (app.php is main one) 4. So I chose to use postgres to use as a database. A. create user and database > sudo -u postgres psql > create user foo password 'bar'; > create database fubardb owner foo; configure postgresql in .env in top level of project DB_CONNECTION=pgsql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE=fubardb DB_USERNAME=foo DB_PASSWORD=bar configure /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf change the line for for ipv4 to: (ident needs to change to trust) host all all trust 5. So this doesn't work... need to compile pgsql, and/or mysql So php needs to be compiled with flags ./configure --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \ --with-pdo-pgsql=mysqlnd \ --with-pgsql \ --with-mysqli // Laravel uses the PDO objects in its database access. 6. run php artisan migrate:fresh this generates the user account handling stuff for laravel 7. Routes are in the routes subdiretory routes/web.php To add an api php artisan install:api This generates routes/api.php 8. Creating a table in Laravel - Migration > php artisan make:migration migration_name This creates a php object datestamped, with the migration name in database/migrations The object has an up and down function. So to create the table update the up function.